XML Menu Builder
Create XML Menus, which are web menus that use XML files for content and CSS for presentation.
XML Menu Builder was designed to be a graphical interface that will help users create XML Menus, which are web menus that use XML files for content and CSS for presentation.
Here are some key features of "XML Menu Builder":
• Uses XML Data: An XML Menu's content is described entirely by an XML file, loaded client-side via AJAX. No special server software or plug-ins are required.
• Dynamic Content Loading: XML Menu can load/replace menu content in real time. Here is a simple example.
• Uses a CSS Skin: An XML Menu's look is described entirely by CSS. By separating content from presentation, XML Menu is able to mimic the look of virtually any menu.
• Fast : XML Menu was built for web designers who value speed. Sub Menus snap open without delay.
• Scalable : Rather than requiring web designers to hardwire fixed widths/heights for menus, XML Menu is scalable. Scalable menus automatically size themselves, based on the width/height of the menu's text/images. This ensures that menus are sized appropriately when menu content is dynamically generated from a database, and allows the developer to change the menu text/images or font size at a later point without having to reset menu widths.
• Modular : Many menu vendors expect users to place menu data and code on every single page of their website in the form of nested li or div tags and blocks of inline JavaScript code. While this may look straightforward, the reality is that it makes menu modification and upgrading difficult, as you need to not only modify every single page in your website, but make sure that all pages have the same exact redundant menu information. This is simply a bad idea and is why computer scientists developed the concept of Modular Programming decades ago. XML Menu data and code are kept in separate, self-contained external modules, or in other words - files. This way, changes only need to be made to individual modules rather than site-wide.
• Full Search Engine Support : XML Menu Builder can optionally generate an XML Sitemap, ensuring that pages referenced by XML Menu are indexed by all major search engines, without the heavy overhead of redundant menu markup having to be added to each page. For more information, see the Configuring Search Engine Support section of the User's Guide.
• No Unlock Codes : There are no confusing and annoying unlock codes to worry about which you must add to web pages in order to use XML Menu. Unlock codes are common in the web menu industry, yet are contrary to XmlMenu.com's ease-of-use philosophy.
• Supports Asian Languages : XML Menu seamlessly supports characters of all Asian languages, including Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
• Supports European Languages : XML Menu seamlessly supports characters of all European languages, including Slavic languages, Greek, and accented western European languages.
• Cross-Browser Menu Scroller : You no longer need to worry about your sub menus having too many elements to fit in the page. Using the optional Menu Scroller, you can have sub menus with unlimited elements, and have users easily scroll menu elements into view. Unlike many menu vendors that offer Menu Scrollers, ours works on all browsers, including Safari!
• Cross-Browser Drop Shadows: XML Menu allows for fine granular control over the exact color and transparency of up to three shadow layers, and gives you complete control over shadow offset.
• No Headache Positioning : XML Menu supports static, absolute, and even fixed positioning! You can attach an XML Menu to any or element in your web page, making HTML menu integration painless and easy.
• Fully Standards Compliant : XML is used to describe content.
• CSS is used to describe presentation.
• 100% Pure XDHTML : Unlike pseudo DHTML menus, Xml Menu doesn't statically create menus using the JavaScript document.write function. XML Menu generates menus using the browser's DOM (Document Object Model), ensuring synchronous, real-time loading of menus under any conditions, including slow, dial-up modem connections. XML Menus are always sized and fully functional as soon as they are parsed by your browser, rather than after everything on your page has loaded.
• WYSIWYG : XML Menu looks and behaves virtually identically in XML Menu Builder as it does in all browsers.
• Supports all doctypes: XLM Menu is compatible with all HTML and XHTML DTDs.
• One Button Deployment : You can set XML Menu Builder to automatically upload your menu to your website via FTP.
• Fully Featured : While XML Menu is short on headaches, it is not short on features. It allows for horizontal and vertical menus, right-aligned menus, multiple menus, multiple delay timers, unlimited levels of sub menus, easily integratable bullets/radio buttons, rounded corners, icons, images, separators, tool tips, titles, Smart Positioning, Microsoft Office style icon bars, menus which can overlap form elements, has over 50 menu templates to choose from.
• NET Framework
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adapted from http://superfree-click.blogspot.com
XML Menu Builder
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:f duch.... :@ pusing...... :? masih bingung...
beuh kasih translate indo nya donk bos, puyeng neh :(
makasih yach atas kunjungan dan komentnya..saya pake oggix dikarenakn shoutmix sering error diinet saya :f
ini aja aku mau comment dishoutbox km kaga bisa.
ummm...artinya apaan yaks :@ ttng dulu yaks aq ambis kamus *lari2 kekmr ambil kmus*
ihhh...g ada tuw artinya XML dikamus!! :(
hmm....gitu ya (belagak ngerti MODE ON)
hohohoo... :~ bingun nih... ambil kamus dulu yah...
nama gua NISHA salam kenal semuanya o ya btw gua tinggal di jl poncol jaya kuningan barat mampang prapatan rt 008 rw 05 jakarta selatan. no hp gua 0856 810 2xxx DAN INI LHO nomor telepon rumah GUA 021 52962825.
umur gua baru 18 tahun Tb.165cm/55kg
Ciri2 fisik: Tinggi, Putih, Cantik, Sexy, Mulus, Harum, Tajir dan sekarang gua lagi jomblo
bagi kalian para cowo & duda keren yg mo kenalan boleh deh telepon ke rumah gua
cuma pembokat gua udeh dipesan ama nyokap gua kalo ada orang asing yg nyari gua
bilang aja salah sambung gitu atau ga ada
TAPI KALIAN COBA TERUS TELEPON siapa tau gua yg angkat ok
o ya btw siapapun yg ntar kawin ama gua bakal dapat warisan Rp 10 MILIAR & TANAH RATUSAN HEKTAR.
gua cantik sexy, & menggairahkan
so gua tunggu telepon kalian ya
Hi all, my name is NISHA, a GIRL, 18 years old.
I'm mixture of Indonesian-Dutch-Chinese.
I speak fluent indonesian, good enough in english, passive in dutch and french.
I'm taking my bachelor degree now , my major is INTERNATIONAL LAW.
I have a plan to continue my master degree abroad.
I love playing and watching football. I also like dogs.
I'm also interested in learning foreign cultures and languages.
First, i'm looking for a caucasian man, who are polite and could respect each other. I LIKE DIRTY JOKES, I LIKE BIG DICK BIGGER BETTER, I LIKE TO BE SPANK IN MY BUTT
I`VE US$ 10.000.000,- / US$ 10 MILLION in my bank account
Better if you are living in JAKARTA so we can meet up.
If we are match, it's possible to be more than friend (serious boyfriend).
So, if interested, just CALL me at 02152962825
Thank you. God bless.
waaaaaaaaaaa... boleh neh dicoba...
nice inpo.. thanks dah share yah
btw ada award tuh.. diambil yah..
salam kenal bos...nice tips :)
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